Why Creating Video Content is Crucial for Building Your Personal Brand

There should no longer be a debate about whether video content creation is necessary for a brand. At this point, according to the video hosting platform Wyzowl, 90% of businesses use video marketing as part of their overall digital marketing strategy. Additionally, 68% of marketers who are not currently using video are planning to do so by 2024. It's very possible that the reason you're reading this now is that you're one of the last holdouts, exploring how to justify spending time and money on the initial stages of a video content creation strategy. You might need more reasons why and, perhaps, how to make this cost-effective.

The Best Time to Start Video Content Creation is Now


As many video content creators say on YouTube, the best time to start creating video content was yesterday. The second-best time is now. The statistics show that the majority of businesses are already using video content creation strategies. If you’re not using it, you’re not going to stand out—unless your brand is so unique, remarkable, and boutique that word of mouth is enough. Even then, it's arguable that you're leaving money on the table by not using a video content strategy.

AI is Here, Bringing More Noise to the World

Video content was already everywhere before the rise of AI, and now it's going to get even crazier with the billions of pieces of AI-generated content that are about to be published. The longer you wait to start creating and publishing video content, the harder it will be to stand out. You may be thinking, "What's the point? How could my brand possibly stand a chance?". You stand out with trust and authenticity.

Trust and Authenticity: The Keys to Successful Personal Branding

The saying, "In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king," rings especially true today. In a world full of noise and AI-generated content, what will stand apart is you showing up with your face in front of the camera. Human connection is going to be valued at a premium in online communities.

People don't just want to find answers; it's blatantly apparent that we all need more human connection, and people will be looking for guidance. Yes, AI will solve many problems, but as AI takes the reins and provides answers and solutions, we will still turn to humans for leadership and guidance.

How else do you explain the rise of TikTok and YouTube? These social media platforms allow video content creators to show up for their communities and bring a level of relatability that big conglomerates still struggle to achieve.

A Single Video Piece of Content Can Make All The Difference.

I have shot many videos for different clients. However, I had the opportunity to help my sister with a video for her business, Chakra Verde. She is a professional cook who specializes in healthy eating and everything organic. She takes her profession seriously. To her, it's a spiritual calling. Naturally, she wants to attract clients that feel the same way. So, I made a video for her in which she can tell her story and beliefs. The video shows her tending to the garden, cooking vegetables, and meditating by the river, all while telling her story.

This single video has already earned her many clients, but she recently told me that it helped her get her biggest client yet. Who hired her to cook for a retreat for 4 days to the tune of $6,000. The client specifically told her that the video was what pushed her to make the final decision. You can watch it below. It's in spanish, but you can get the gist of it with the images.

Video Content Creation is Affordable and Accessible to All

You don’t need an expensive camera or studio setup to start creating compelling video content. In fact, you already have a powerful tool in your pocket—your smartphone. The advancements in mobile technology mean that almost anyone can shoot high-quality videos without breaking the bank. What’s more, there are countless free or low-cost video editing apps available, such as CapCut, iMovie, or DaVinci Resolve, that offer professional-level capabilities for beginners and experienced creators alike. The barrier to entry for creating video content has never been lower.

However, the real challenge isn’t the tools—it’s the mindset. Many aspiring content creators give up too early because they underestimate the time and effort required to build a successful personal brand through video. The biggest hurdle isn’t the camera or the software; it’s patience.

Patience is Key: Enjoy the Journey of Creating Content

Many content creators get discouraged when they don't see immediate results. They post a few videos and expect to go viral overnight. When that doesn't happen, they lose motivation and stop creating. The reality is that building a personal brand through video content creation is a long game. It requires consistency, perseverance, and, most importantly, the ability to enjoy the journey rather than just focusing on the destination.

Why is patience so crucial? Because it allows you to grow and refine your skills over time. Each video you create is a learning experience, a step toward improving your storytelling, editing, and on-camera presence. This continuous improvement is what eventually leads to a dedicated audience. Think of it like planting seeds; you water them, nurture them, and wait patiently for them to grow. If you rush the process or give up too soon, you'll never see the results.

Having Fun is Non-Negotiable: If you're not having fun while creating content, it will show in your videos, and viewers will pick up on it. Enjoying the process is not just a "nice-to-have"; it's essential for sustainability. Content creation should be something you look forward to, not something that feels like a chore. When you have fun, you create more authentic, engaging content that resonates with viewers. It’s not just about pushing out content for the sake of it; it’s about sharing something meaningful, whether it’s your knowledge, experience, or simply your personality.


Reframe Your Expectations: Understand that growth is exponential, not linear. The first few months (or even years) may seem slow, but each piece of content builds upon the last. The key is to remain consistent and keep producing content even when it feels like no one is watching. Your audience will grow organically as you continue to show up and provide value.

Celebrate Small Wins: Part of maintaining patience is recognizing and celebrating small milestones along the way. Did you get your first 100 views? Your first 10 subscribers? Celebrate those moments. These are signs of growth, no matter how small, and they will keep you motivated to continue creating.

In essence, while video content creation is more accessible and affordable than ever, the true cost comes in the form of time, effort, and patience. Remember that every great creator started from zero. Embrace the journey, have fun, and keep pushing forward—success will follow in its own time.

Why Creating Video Content is Crucial for Building Your Personal Brand
There should no longer be a debate about whether video content creation is necessary for a brand. At this point, according to the video hosting platform Wyzowl, 90% of businesses use video marketing as part of their overall digital marketing strategy. Additionally, 68% of marketers who are not currently using video are planning to do […]
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